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What is your Unique Argument Style?
Take this FREE quiz to find out your Unique Argument Style! Stop having painful fights and start having better arguments that bring you closer.
Notice which answer you’re first drawn to. Don’t overthink it! Trust your instincts. There are pros and cons to every type of argument style, so don’t judge yourself. This is your chance to gain a deeper understanding of how you’re co-creating your fighting dynamic, and take charge of your part. You have the power to change what you’re not happy with, and this is a huge first step!
Notice which answer you’re first drawn to. Don’t overthink it! Trust your instincts. There are pros and cons to every type of argument style, so don’t judge yourself. This is your chance to gain a deeper understanding of how you’re co-creating your fighting dynamic, and take charge of your part. You have the power to change what you’re not happy with, and this is a huge first step!
1 / Your partner tells you they’re angry about something you did, and you:
A / Apologize profusely. You are clearly an idiot and this is just another example of it.
B / Don’t know what to say but you know you want your partner to stop being mad at you.
C / Feel your blood boil. You’re ready to set the record straight about what happened.
D / Feel attacked. If they understood where you were coming from they wouldn’t be mad.
2 / By the end of an argument, you usually feel:
A / Bad about yourself.
B / Annoyed that your partner brought that up, but you’re not going to mention how you feel. It’s easier to just let it go.
C / Calmer. You think your partner gets it.
D / Misunderstood.
3 / During an argument you:
A / Crave forgiveness.
B / Frequently wish you could leave.
C / Speak loudly, quickly, and when you look back, you’ve done most of the talking. Your partner is the quieter one, perhaps?
D / Seek to get your partner to see your side of the story.
4 / In general, which of the following do you resonate with most?
A / I don’t get angry. Maybe I feel frustrated sometimes at the most.
B / I’ve told my mom not to call me at work but she keeps doing it and it drives me crazy. I’d never tell her though. It would hurt her feelings.
C / I need everything to be in its place. Clutter makes me anxious.
D / I’m the epitome of a back seat driver, but I don’t want to do the driving myself.
5 / Which of the following sentences best describes you:
A / I can’t wait for the next inspirational podcast to come out!
B / I don’t know what I feel. I’m not very emotional. What’s the big deal?
C / My boss told me I did a good job except for one thing, and I’m devastated.
D / I’m not being critical, but sometimes my way is just better.
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